What happens when pre-Raphaelite English art inspiration meets an amazing location in Italy’s hotspot, the Marche region? A miracle of romantic decadence and wild vintage beauty emerges.
Destination planners Merry Le Marche and wedding photographers Amaneraphoto were eager to create a shoot inspired by the gently wild and romantically decadent paintings of English pre-Raphaelite artists within a unique Italian location.
We wanted our bride to resemble the women in these paintings: a touch of Art-Nouveau, a stroke of the Middle Ages, beautifully untidy, with long scruffy, ginger hair and red lips; all in a lush, indulgent setting at spring.
All elements of the shoot were carefully studied in order to faithfully recreate the mood of late XIX-early XX century. The cutlery, table cloths and tea cups are original antiques, the lovely stationery is inspired by the work of William Morris, the dress, the hair and make-up, the ‘stolen bouquet’, the sandals, even the models’ physique are inspired by pre-Raphaelite paintings.
With valuable collaboration from high-end Marche based photographers Amaneraphoto and stylistic help from My Loft Vintage, we managed to add an old-fashioned feel to the shoot, and to convey an idyllic idea of spring and wild love.
Planning, design, stationery and flowers: https://www.merrylemarche.com/
Photos: http://amaneraphoto.com/
Clothes and accessories: http://www.myloftvintage.com/
Location and food: http://www.relaisvillagiulia.com/